Supply Chain Management

Sustainability Procurement Policy

DISCO promotes initiatives throughout its supply chain, including its suppliers, with the following points in mind to realize a sustainable society.

  1. Equal Partners and Fair Business

    We regard suppliers as equal business partners and conduct business fairly and in accordance with laws and regulations.
    For details, please refer to DISCO's Stance on Purchasing.

  2. Environmental Conservation and Green Procurement

    Procurement activities are conducted with full consideration to reducing the environmental impact and preserving the global environment.
    For details, please refer to Environmental Vision and Green Procurement.

  3. Respect for Human Rights and Social Responsibility

    In support of the basic principles of the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA), we shall promote initiatives related to human rights and social responsibility.
    For details, please refer to the RBA Code of Conduct.

Supply Chain Initiatives

Request for Agreement with the Sustainability Procurement Policy

In order to work toward the realization of a sustainable society throughout the supply chain, we ask our suppliers for their understanding of DISCO's initiatives and their agreement to our Sustainability Procurement Policy.*1

In FY2022, we shared our Sustainability Procurement Policy with suppliers who account for 70% of our procurement value, and obtained agreement from 85% of them. Furthermore, we also shared our Sustainability Procurement Policy with 80% of our subcontractors and received agreement from all of them.

*1: We have established the following as our tracking indicators for key sustainability issues by the end of FY2030.
At least 95% share rate for Sustainability Procurement Policy, and an agreement rate of at least 90%

Survey Using the Sustainability Procurement Questionnaire

DISCO conducts a survey of its major suppliers using the Sustainability Procurement Questionnaire to ascertain the status of suppliers' compliance with the Sustainability Procurement Policy. The questionnaire consists of questions in the five areas of labor, health and safety, environment, ethics, and management system.

Sample Questions

Labor: Minimum working age is 15 years old or the minimum working age in the country, whichever is higher.
Health and safety: Necessary treatment, investigation of causes, and corrective actions are provided for occupational accidents, and records of these actions are maintained.
Environment: Efforts are made to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduction targets are in place.
Ethics: Bribery, corruption, extortion, and embezzlement of any kind are not tolerated, and no improper benefits are obtained.
Management systems: Requests regarding labor, health and safety, environment, and ethics are communicated to suppliers and confirmed.

The questions in the Sustainability Procurement Questionnaire are reviewed annually to make the questionnaire more effective.

Supplier Audits and Regular Liason Meetings

DISCO conducts supplier audits on a regular basis for the purpose of deepening mutual understanding and partnership on the importance of sustainable procurement and our approach and activities regarding corporate social responsibility. The audit in FY2023 focused on the existence of policies and rules, the appropriateness of their contents, and their operational status. In addition, we hold regular liaison meetings with onsite contractors to promote communication.

Continuous Improvement

If, as a result of the survey and/or audit, DISCO determines that there is a risk, DISCO will discuss improvement measures with suppliers and continue to work with them until implementation is completed. As an example of improvement measures, the following employee satisfaction standards developed and published at DISCO's suggestion may be used as a reference.
JSA-S1001 Human Resource Management – Employee Satisfaction – Guidelines for codes of conduct for organizations

Responsible Mineral Procurement

DISCO recognizes that infringement of human rights, including child labor and forced labor, are a global problem. Therefore, it is our policy not to use minerals such as tantalum, tin, tungsten, and gold, which may contribute to such infringements of human rights. With reference to the OECD*2 Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of minerals from conflict and high-risk areas, we conduct surveys using CMRT*3 and other methods.

*2 OECD: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
*3 CMRT: Conflict Minerals Reporting Template
A survey format for conflict minerals provided by the RMI (Responsible Minerals Initiative)
